After 78 years of memories, service, and education the 4-H building was set to be torn down on Dec. 13.
Built in 1943, the building was initially designed to be used as a poultry barn. In the early 2000s the name and purpose of the building was changed to 4-H and remained so up to the demolition. The building housed the state 4-H office, graduate student offices and animal science classrooms and labs.
OSU alumna and associate extension specialist Karla Knoepfli said she worked in the 4-H building for 20 years. She began her involvement in 4-H at age 10 as a member and has been working in extension for over 32 years. She refers to the 4-H building as her “home” for the last 20 years.
“There were 27 of us in the State 4-H office that were affected by the demolition of the building,” Knoepfli said. “Our offices are now split up between Ag Hall and the old USDA building.”
Knoepfli said after working in the 4-H building for 20 years, she remembers lots of memories made in the building.
“The folks that work in 4-H are very much a team in what we do,” Knoepfli said. “We work very hard, but we were known for celebrating birthdays and holidays together. That’s something I think we all miss with the building being torn down and our offices being spread out.”
4-H Youth Development Program Leader Steve Beck said the state 4-H office is now split between Agricultural Hall and the old USDA building. Although it’s not ideal for the office to be split between two buildings, Beck said it is only temporary until the New Frontier Agricultural Hall is finished.
“The exciting thing is we're moving to the New Frontier building when it gets built,” Beck said. “We are looking forward to moving our offices and being together again.”
OSU Facilities Management Director Ron Tarbutton said the reason for the tear down was due to the building’s poor condition.
“It was determined that it was more economical to demolish the building than renovate it for other uses,” Tarbutton said. “It had many issues including cracked exterior walls, windows and doors.”
Tarbutton continued in 2017 a facility assessment was completed on the 4-H building. The assessment exposed the building’s poor condition which led to the decision to decimate the structure. After the completion of demolition, the site will be used to house construction materials for the New Frontier Agricultural Hall project; however, the long-term plan is undecided.
“In the long term it’s going to be a green space,” Tarbutton said. “Meaning, an irrigated, green sod space. It will remain so until there’s a potential future building that needs it.”
There will be traffic plan in place and construction barriers up for the demolition.
After 20 years of the 4-H building, Beck recalls the long history and special memories the building holds. However, he is looking forward to the future.
“Demolition of the building is bittersweet,” Beck said. “It’s a place full of memories. Although in a way it feels like we’re giving up our home the for the last 20 years, we are looking forward to be part of the New Frontiers Agricultural Hall."